Tuesday, 20 October 2015


It's the season of open letters! 
Everybody who knows something or nothing or everything is writing an open letter these days. 
Sometimes to insignificant people who after the letter being picked by STORY ENHANCING SEARCH ENGINES become significant. 
At times, to significant people who even reply back with an open letter. WOW! 
Joining the bandwagon ... I am starting a series of OPEN LETTER to ... I don't know ... maybe ... significant ... maybe insignificant persons ... 
WHY... just for the sake of FUN! 
So, I thought I would begin with RIMI SEN ... it took me some time to search on Google what exactly is her name and is she the RAIMA SEN or RIMI SEN or REEMA SEN... or ... any which ways, I realsied ... they all were kinda the Insignificant types ... forget mileage ... even they wouldn't bother to read the OPEN LETTER themselves. 

Rimi Sen was the one I was looking for. Why I thought she would be the best one to start the series of the OPEN LETTER was... her TELEVISION SCREEN DEBUT ... in BIGG BOSS 9
I happened to catch up yesterday's episode and made sense of how Rimi was wanting desperately to be out of BIGG BOSS house ... she wasn't expecting this! 
I am sure she hasn't watched any season of Bigg Boss! If she would have even watched a glimpse of KRK (another insignificant person who became self-professed significant due to social media) in BIGG BOSS she would have known what to expect or for that matter Imam Siddique in another season ... She would have known not to sign the contract. BUT... watching her antics yesterday ... I have my doubts ... is she really wanting to be out ... is she playing a game no one ever in BIGG BOSS has played... in her sweet Bengali tinged Hindi she kept taking potshots at the MAN HIMSELF ... BIGG BOSS ...
Her interviews before entering the BIGG BOSS house clearly hints at the fact that she has a PLAN ... she has come with an intention and I am sure it shall be clear by the time this weeks eliminations are announced by BHAIJAAN ... Also noteworthy thing was while she was making her displeasure about BIGG BOSS and his voice ... BIGG BOSS not for once reprimanded her or stopped her from doing so. Let's wait and watch what BHAIJAAN has to say to her. 
So though the lure to write an OPEN LETTER to RIMI SEN was strong enough for me but I feel let us keep it for the coming weeks ... you never know this bong beauty who was once a part of SUPER HIT franchises of DHOOM and GOLMAAL ... and many a significant and Insignificant multi-starer pot boilers may become the new face of REALITY TELEVISION. 

I begin with someone I hated initially ... little later I started kind of noticing ... and today as I write this OPEN LETTER ... have just about come to admiring him...


Dear Honey, the idea of writing a letter to you gives me tickles ... no no not for any strange reasons but ... the reason is in the salutation of the letter... imagine i have to address you as Dear HONEY. 
The first time I ever heard your song was on TEACHER'S Day. My students ranging from class four to class ten, boys and girls, in unison were crooning the lyrics ... BLUE EYES HYPNOTISE... Imagine DEAR HONEY ... kids of the age of nine to fifteen years were singing BOMB LAGTI MENNU in front of their TEACHER... Unabashed ... but i must admit they all were in tune and not a single one missed a beat or word... I also wondered what happens to these kids when they have to learn brief answers of the same length of your song. Maybe NCERT should consider you to convert the entire syllabus into RAP songs ... I am sure kids who sang those lyrics with all the same attitude you display while singing would love to learn Geography and History that way. 
I was curious and I wanted to know ... who the hell has sung this song... YO YO HONEY SINGH they said ...in unison, again, almost with the same Vigour once we use to say "Bharat Maata Ki Jai" after the assembly in school. 
"YO YO what?" ... I asked? "HONEY SINGH" they replied. Your name sounded as weird as your song. What exactly is it? 
Later, on various occasions I heard a number of your concoctions Like CHAAR BOTTLE VODKA ... I wondered what were you actually thinking while writing those lyrics and at the same time I also wondered what would GULZAAR SAHAAB and JAVED SAHAAB think about it .... But then... common ... I said to myself ... GOLI MARON BHEJE MAIN BHEJA SHOR KARTA HAI... and EK DO TEEN CHAAR PAANCH CHE SAATH AATH... were super hits written by these Stalwarts ... so what's so wrong about four bottles of vodka. 
Dear YO YO, (that sounds hilarious but better than Dear Honey)
I hadn't realised then, but, I was actually trying to justify your creation to myself. Some time later you did it on COMEDY NIGHTS WITH KAPIL ... remember Dear Yo Yo... there is almost a swing and bling to your name .... I am starting to even notice.
Just recently i was so angry with my teenage son who was playing DHEERE DHEERE SE ... on his cell phone and pissed off i asked ... "Who the hell has messed up with this beautiful KUMAR SHANU song?" ... I should have known ... he just looked at me and said ..." HONEY SINGHAaa .... Dad! "
Dear Mr. Singh ... you must know this ... that on my insistence my son even downloaded the original version of the song and he said ...."It's not bad either!" I very enthusiastically told him it was sung by Kumar Shanu. To that he asked ...."Is he the same guy who made a cameo in DUM JAGAA KE HAISHA" 
While he listened to the older version, I kinda started to like the newer one.
Dear Honey, (It doesn't sound all that bad after all) that's the precise moment I realised and started to admire your craft ... you are the new generation and you have  the zeal to do same old things in new ways and new things in newer ways ... you are a complete package ... your website says it all... the way you dress, the way you carry your weirdest of weirdest hairdos, the way you unabashedly carry your style, talent and attitude is something that DHEERE DHEERE stands for ... 

I believe there is a song in HINDI FILMS for every possible human emotion and nothing soothes more than music. It's a gift you are born with ...so as your newborn ardent fan now ... I would say ... thank you for bringing back those melodies for us (the generation gone by) but also for YOUR_LIKES (the gen-nex) dearest HIRDESH SINGH. 

Yours swagly ... 
Mr. Insignificant 

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