Sunday 9 November 2014

Martyrs of Social Media...

Martyrs of Social Media… a true love story.

I was visiting a counselling psychologist for the first time. 
I never made sense, why one needs to pay someone for talking. I could do that with any of my friends....?
I have many . . . but . . . they are not real . . . in the sense they are all my virtual friends. Messenger maybe...? Whatsapp...? 

Could I speak to them . . . no how could I . . .they are all strangers... facebook names them as my friends. . .but then the psychologist is also a stranger to me. . .how could I pour out to her? I reasoned before entering the cabin.

You are suffering from acute case of LMD- Like Me Disorder . . . The Psychologist announced, even before starting the session, on the basis of symptoms fed to her by my parents.
I wondered if there was any such disorder, at all . . .but then I also knew, any human behavior, difficult to comprehend, is mostly termed as a new disorder and I was glad I was the first specimen diagnosed with this unique syndrome. . .not till long. . .when the psycho . . .I mean, the psychologist announced. . .it is common these days. . .
I was disappointed!

The mobile beeped . . . the session was just about to begin.
She told me to shut it off . . . it took me some time to follow her instruction. 
It had been a while I had committed such a crime.
My fingers dwindled ...that, one last tweet I wanted to check . . . before I could start the session.

The session was over. .  thank God for it. . .
I don't know if I gained any insight into my problem but I am sure in that one and half hours of precious, virtual time; I had lost loads of news feed, obscene number of status updates from my friends, great number of tweets, pics.

God! How she could be so cruel? I cursed the psycho . . . logist! 
How could she have the audacity, to put me away from my cell for ninety DAMN minutes? My poor soul!  
More than me the psycho needed a session, I thought.

Like Me Disorder a soft voice wafted. I rubbished it.

But, how can u say no to your parents?
They had noticed, like they worded it, some remarkably unusual symptoms of psychological disturbance in me.   

Symptom one: I was always typing something on my cell. 
S 2: I took it to the bathroom, the Loo, to bed, everywhere with me.
S 3: It always beeped when I sat to eat or they had something important to discuss.
S 4: I was always talking to someone on my cell when my father walked in from office.
S 5: (I accept it was a little weird) I hugged my Laptop while sleeping.
They considered the most normal behavior displayed by majority of mankind of these times as unusual. Bless them!

Session two was forced on me.

The only thing I wanted to do in the session was; kill the psych-o-logist…for being so cruel to me. .
I was waiting for her to say. .  Shut the device!
Instead, she said. .  It’s OK, just keep it silent.
I thought, some smart move from her homework in psycho therapy books.
Forgiving her, I sustained the session.  

With every flash of the cell, my heart pounced, for I knew, I was missing on so much of virtual action…  after all, I had just posted a selfie of mine with the bus conductor.   

You can see it now... She said, peeping at my possession.
I eagerly checked for the likes and comments.
OMG! I shouted with enthusiasm. Seventy-five comments! And a hundred and twenty four likes! I hugged the psycho with excitement. Obviously, it was the max I had ever got.   
I felt like a celebrity. . .

Like Me Disorder …those three words wafted into my ears from nowhere, again, this time louder.
I simply ignored it; and started replying to the comments.   

Ma and dad were glad that I was going for the sessions. They even unrealistically believed it was working.  

Session three...You could keep it on. She said.  
I knew, one of her therapy tricks again, she was trying out on me.   
I was more than happy, I wouldn't miss the action.    After all, five thousand four hundred seconds are enough time for my inbox to overflow.
Every time it beeped, I checked the mail, the tweet, the like, the comment, the pic.   
It was the best session of all! 

She had read all the posts with me, we even posted a selfie...titled with my Psycho.

Like Me Disorder the words wafted again, loud and clear. 
She confirmed of hearing it too.

Before I reached home, she had sent me a friend request which I reluctantly accepted. . .  I had to; after all, our pic together had got a hundred and twenty five likes, one more than the conductor selfie.  And, of course, she was my thousandth friend. It was time to celebrate.  

#Like Me Disorder …was trending topic for the day.

With one more martyr in our brigade, I was happy I had found my love.
My true love! Social Media…
And the Psycho …she found hers…

V r d brigade
V r d force
V cud die 4 it
hail social media

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