Monday 3 February 2014

HEAL your life HEAL yourself


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Love... Its a feeling that we humans have felt from inception of mankind. I am sure the very first feeling a human would have experienced would have been that of love.
From eons of years we have been expressing this emotion called love.

Today we celebrate this feeling of BOUNDLESS GOODNESS... love.

We all want to be loved!
We want to receive love from our parents, our children, our friends, our spouse, our teachers, our pets.
So give in abundance to receive in abundance.
Simply wanting to receive love without giving love is like asking a bank for a loan without interest.
So lets GIVE... so that we can RECEIVE.

Love not expressed is as good as not loving.
So express this beautiful expression with purity, kindness, letters, gifts, deeds or simply express it with spoken words. EXPRESS and be ready to be reciprocated with MORE.

Lets ask ourselves what is that stops us from expressing our love... Be it for our children, our friends or our pets...
Is it in anticipation of being rejected?
Is it something to do with our past experiences or past conditioning?
Is it simply for saving ourselves from the embarrassment of being laughed at for being so expressive? 
Take time out ... SEEK within!

If its rejection that stops us... Know that without giving it a try we are depriving ourselves of receiving this wonderful gift called love. Think of a dog that comes towards us wagging its tail time and again without any apprehensions of being rejected. And since it comes with an open heart with intent of giving unconditional love it receives a pat, a hug, a ruffle or a loving glance.

If its something to do with our past conditioning we need to work over it if we do not want to stay further deprived of love.
Most of the times our past conditioning is the reflection of our own thoughts. Its like we are standing in front of a mirror expecting the image to make the first move not realizing what we see in the mirror is a replica of what actions we do. So why not come out of that self destructive mode of not being loved and accepting that all those years we simply expected the rain to pour without the river pouring out any water.
lets be generous in GIVING and EXPRESSING love so that we generously receive it as well.

If we never express love for being laughed at for overtly letting our feelings out. We should definitely try it once because love is the only immortal feeling which brings a smile on the giver as well as the receiver.
Think of our child who repeatedly asks us for a hug while sleeping or a friend who comes and gives us a card expressing love. Now REWIND and watch ourselves how did we reciprocate. Did we laugh at them? NO we hugged... we read the card with a smile and we have still treasured it with us.

Love can just attract more love and nothing else.

So think of that one person in this infinitely huge world who we so much wanted to receive love from but never did for we never gave.

Join me in this simple guided meditation.

In this I AM with YOU. And never forget YOU are with YOU.
Come! Join me! MEDITATE WITH Thee

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or listen to our motivational & spiritual programs on our web radio HEALINITYY 

© nozzer pardiwala

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